Embrace a new path with a self empowered approach to healing.
It is said that when a storm comes the eagle uses the current of the wind to lift high above the clouds. These wondrous birds fly effortlessly without even beating their wings by gliding in the gusts of wind. This great bird is still able to feel the power and energy of the storm below but from a safe vantage point. It is my hope that with this site we together can start to grow our wings and learn to glide with life’s currents high above life's storm clouds.
Writing the essays, poems, and meditations on this site have been useful in my own healing journey. It is my hope that by sharing these I might help lighten the hearts of others and perhaps help some come into contact with the loving aspects of their own selves. Art, writing, and poetry can have a profound effect on the healing process so enjoy your exploration of this site. The poems and essays are the result of many years of soul searching and philosophizing about the nature of reality.
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it”
Essays/Short Stories
A Collection of essays and short stories I have written based on self reflection and discovery.
A collection of poems focused on acceptance, love, and gratitude. These poems can help lighten the load.
Explore videos demonstrating both active and relaxing meditations.